<bgsound src="files/caramelldansen.mid" loop="infinite">
Prints's Pink Palace
"Take it easy!!"

Welcome to Prints's Pink Palace

My, my! It seems we have a guest! How rare~
Now then, let me show you around --
Ah! I suppose I should introduce myself first

My main interests include computers, Gensokyo, cereal, rain, anime,
and the four seasons, especially fall and winter
My favorite foods include cereal, strawberries, and strawberry cereal
I made this site for fun, and I hope you will have fun here too

Friends of Prints's Pink Palace

Koshka's Kingdom Emerald Coast Lunatic Phantasy
Koshka Emerald Coast Lunatic Phantasy
lolwut.info nether Digital Hallucination
lolwut Nether Digital


Prints's Pink Palace